
The Greening of the Northern Great Plains and its Biogeochemical Precursors

Land Management and Climate Change Determine Second‐Generation Bioenergy Potential of the US Northern Great Plains

Opportunities and Trade-offs among BECCS and the Food, Water, Energy, Biodiversity, and Social Systems Nexus at Regional Scales
Paul C. Stoy, Selena Ahmed, Meghann Jarchow, Ben Rashford, David Swanson, Shannon Albeke, Gabriel Bromley, E.N.J. Brookshire, Mark D. Dixon, Julia Haggerty, Perry Miller, Brent Peyton, Alisa Royem, Lee Spangler, Crista Staub, and Benjamin Poulter

Land-Use Emissions Play a Critical Role in Landbased Mitigation for Paris Climate Targets
Anna B. Harper, Tom Powell, Peter M. Cox, Joanna House, Chris Huntingford, Timothy M. Lenton, Stephen Sitch, Eleanor Burke, Sarah E. Chadburn, William J. Collins, Edward Comyn-Platt, Vassilis Daioglou, Jonathan C. Doelman, Garry Hayman, Eddy Robertson, Detlef van Vuuren, Andy Wiltshire, Christopher P. Webber, Ana Bastos, Lena Boysen, Philippe Ciais, Narayanappa Devaraju, Atul K. Jain, Andreas Krause, Ben Poulter, and Shijie Shu

Farmer and Rancher Perceptions of Climate Change and their Relationship with Mental Health
Meredith Howard, Selena Ahmed, Paul Lachapelle, and Mark B. Schure

Convective Suppression Before and During the United States Northern Great Plains Flash Drought of 2017
Tobias Gerken, Gabriel T. Bromley, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Skylar Williams, and Paul C. Stoy

Climate Change Perceptions and Observations of Agricultural Stakeholders in the Northern Great Plains
Bruna Irene Grimberg, Selena Ahmed, Colter Ellis, Zachariah Miller, and Fabian Menalled

Surface Moistening Trends in the Northern North American Great Plains Increase the Likelihood of Convective Initiation
Tobias Gerken, Gabriel T. Bromley, and Paul C. Stoy

Non-monetary landscape features most desirable across the Upper Missouri River Basin
AminRastandeh,MorganCarnes, andMeghannJarchow

Aboveground and belowground responses to cyanobacterial biofertilizer supplement in a semi-arid, perennial bioenergy cropping system

Spatial analysis of landscape social values in multifunctional landscapes of the Upper Missouri River Basin
Amin Rastandeh, Morgan Carnes, and Meghann Jarchow

Land-Use Change and Social Values in Micropolitan Communities in the Upper Missouri River Basin
Morgan Carnes

Social Values Regarding Ecosystem Services and Land Use in the Western Corn Belt
M. Carnes and M. Jarchow

North American Grasslands as Multifunctional Landscapes
Meghann Jarchow, David Swanson, and Jacob Kerby

Aligning Evidence Generation and Use Across Health, Development, and Environment
Tallis, et al.

Perceptions, Experiences, and Priorities Supporting Agroecosystem Management Decisions Differ among Agricultural Producers, Consultants, and Researchers
Sean McKenzie, Hilary Parkinson, Jane Mangold, Mary Burrows, Selena Ahmed, and Fabian Menalled

Systematic Review on Effects of Bioenergy from Edible versus Inedible Feedstocks on Food Security
Selena Ahmed, Teresa Warne, Erin Smith, Hannah Goemann , Greta Linse, Mark Greenwood, Jeremy Kedziora, Meghan Sapp, Debra Kraner, Kelli Roemer, Julia H. Haggerty, Meghann Jarchow, David Swanson, Benjamin Poulter, and Paul C. Stoy

Rapid Tool Based on a Food Environment Typology Framework for Evaluating Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food System Resilience
Selena Ahmed, Shauna M. Downs, Chunyan Yang, Long Chunlin, Noah ten Broek, and Suparna Ghosh-Jerath

A Food Environment Typology for Global Applications
Shauna Downs, Selena Ahmed, and Anna Herforth

Food Environment Typology: Advancing an Expanded Definition, Framework, and Methodological Approach for Improved Characterization of Wild, Cultivated, and Built Food Environments toward Sustainable Diets
Shauna M. Downs, Selena Ahmed, Jessica Fanzo, and Anna Herforth

Contribution of Wild Foods to Diet, Food Security, and Cultural Values Amidst Climate Change
Erin Smith, Selena Ahmed, Virgil Dupuis, MaryAnn Running Crane, Margaret Eggers, Mike Pierre, Kenneth Flagg, and Carmen Byker Shanks

Sustainability Dimensions of a North American Lentil System in a Changing World
Teresa Warne, Selena Ahmed, Carmen Byker Shanks, and Perry Miller

Advancing an Integrative Framework to Evaluate Sustainability in National Dietary Guidelines
Selena Ahmed, Shauna Downs, and Jessica Fanzo

Advancing Healthy and Sustainable Food Environments: The Flathead Reservation Case Study
Selena Ahmed, Carmen Byker Shanks, Virgil Dupuis, and Mike Pierre

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals Through Sustainable Diets
Selena Ahmed and Carmen Byker Shanks

Fruit and Vegetable Desirability is Lower in More Rural Built Food Environments of Montana, USA Using the Produce Desirability (ProDes) Tool
Selena Ahmed, Carmen Byker Shanks, Teresa Smith, and Justin Shanks

Missing Wild and Cultivated Environments in Food Environment Measures
Selena Ahmed and Anna Herforth

Creating Sustainable, Resilient Food Systems for Healthy Diets
Anna Herforth, Selena Ahmed, Fabrice Declerck, Jessica Fanzo, and Roseline Remans
Article »

Investigating niches and distribution of rare species in a hierarchical framework: Virginia’s Warbler (Leiothlypis virginiae) at its northeastern range limit
Goljani-Amirkhiz, R., J.S. Palmer, M.D. Dixon, and D.L. Swanson.

Patterns and Potential Causes of Changing Winter Bird Distributions in South Dakota
Swanson, D.L., R. Goljani Amirkhiz, and M.D. Dixon.
Prairie Naturalist 52:45-57 (2020)

Incorporating social values and wildlife habitats for biodiversity conservation modeling in landscapes of the Great Plains
Amin Rastandeh, Meghann Jarchow, and Morgan Carnes

Urbanization and biodiversity loss in the post-COVID-19 era: complex challenges and possible solutions
Amin Rastandeh and Meghann Jarchow

Implications of Future Climate- and Land-Change Scenarios on Grassland Bird Abundance and Biodiversity in the Upper Missouri River Basin
A. P. Baltensperger, M. D. Dixon, and D. L. Swanson

Does Metabolism Constrain Bird and Mammal Ranges and Predict Shifts in Response to Climate Change?
Lauren B. Buckley, Imran Khaliq, David L. Swanson, and Christian Hof

For more information about any of these publications, please contact us.
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